WÜRTH Chemical Anchoring Volume Calculator 🧪🔩 is an application 📱 to help 🆘 calculate and count the volume of chemical anchoring according to the number 🔢 of holes/anchoring to be used🕳 🔩.Information that can be found on technical data sheets 📚, laboratory tests 🔬, certifications⚖, the main data is compiled in order to support the calculation of the chemical volume to be used when filling an undetermined number of holes (to be indicated by the user 👤).Links 🔗 to products that assist in the application of the chemical anchoring (meshes, cannulas, etc. ....).Help 🆘 to be able to answer professional queries.To learn more about WÜRTH ESPAÑA S.A. 🔗https://www.wurth.es/To learn more about the WÜRTH ESPAÑA S.A. Engineering Department👩💼👨💼 🔗 https://www.wurth.es/departamento-ingenieriaFollow the WÜRTH ESPAÑA S.A. Engineering Department 👩💼👨💼 on LinkedIn 🔗https://www.linkedin.com/company/departamento-de-ingenier%C3%ADa-w%C3%BCrth-espa%C3%B1a-s-aGet construction solutions 🧱 involving WÜRTH 🧪🔩 chemical anchoring🔗 https://www.wurth.es/biblioteca-wurthGet documentation 📃 on WÜRTH 🔩 chemical anchoring🧪🔩 🔗https://www.wurth.es/biblioteca-wurth